How Technology is Disrupting the Construction Industry

There’s a lot of buzz these days about drones, 3D printing and robots. It’s easy to brush these technologies off as fads or luxuries until you understand some of the use cases that are being applied by integrating these emerging technologies. As each one matures, we are getting much closer to a world where structures can be built completely automated and unmanned. I have talked to a number of companies in this space and here’s what I have found.

Building large complex structures is a very expensive and time-consuming undertaking. The Freedom Tower in New York City took more than seven years to complete. Last year, The Guardian showed a video of a 57-story building being built in 19 days in China. Granted, this building is not as complex a structure as the 104-story Freedom Tower, but 19 days is still astonishing. read more >>

By Mike Kavis | Forbes