Project Spotlight: Kaefer Industrial

Contractor: Kaefer Industrial
Project site: North of Fort McMurray
Schedule: Summer 2017 to April 2018
Main scope: Fireproofing of steel structures on block- outs and beams

With consultation with 3M Canada and the owner, an application method was developed to ensure a warranty system matching up with a different reproofing product and 3M EMAT material on all of the left open block-outs.

The areas given to Kaefer, tasked the team with scaffolding, steel framing, installing two to three layers of 3M EMAT material, and stainless steel cladding, all sealed with a reproofing caulking. Approximately 700 tradespeople working three continuous shifts of 14 and 7 were tasked with complete this project.

The reproofing was done in all temperatures with no heating or hoarding required for this type of application and warranty. The areas tasked to Kaefer were approximately 6,900 locations, which is roughly 123,000 square feet of covered material.

The project team, through lean initiatives, brought this project in under budget and ahead of schedule. With the task of performing this with so many tradespeople and different shifts worked, Kaefer’s greatest accomplishment was having zero rework, which all stems from the team’s intense planning with lean.

Lean is an initiative that has been developed by corporate Kaefer to review all aspects of a project to reduce waste and costs, but at the same time not sacrificing safety and/or quality. Kaefer then works openly with the customer to assist all aspects of the job and site to accomplish this.

This similar application was done previously on another site outside of Fort McMurray for a reproofing application where no electric tools were allowed in the work area. The application method applied was wrapped with 3M EMAT and secured on with stainless steel banding. All EMAT was covered with a metal jacketing. All protrusions were sealed with a reproofing caulking.

This application of this material is also commonly used for reproofing cable trays where required.

For more information, visit Kaefer online at