Johns Manville Webinar Feb 25, 2020: MITIGATING CUI: A TWO-PRONGED APPROACH

Date:Tuesday, February 25th
Time:2:00 PM ET

Preventing CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation) is rarely a one-size fits all endeavor. There are a multitude of variables at play from the jacketing, to the insulation, to the weather that can influence your system’s ability to successfully inhibit CUI.

This Insulation Intel® webinar will dive into the details of how to combine jacketing and insulation to create a robust system that can withstand the rigors of an industrial application and limit the risk of CUI. Join Chad Meyer, Scott Sinclair, and RT Behm as they discuss how to create a robust defense against CUI in Mitigating CUI: A Two-Pronged Approach, on Tuesday, February 25th at 2:00 PM ET.

Click here for more information and to register.