Summer Report

Joey Fabing

By / Joey Fabing

en français

I would like to take a quick moment before I get into my official report to express how relieved I and the rest of the TIAC community are to know that Lila Smith was found safe. As a father, I can not even imagine having to go through a situation like that. I am proud of how we, the TIAC family, pulled together and did what we could do to help. Thank you to all who took the time to share the information.

On to my report…

The TIAC team is very busy getting ready for the upcoming Conference in Ottawa August 17-20, 2022. The team has booked the speakers, arranged the technical content, booked the golf, and has the entertainment ready to go. As part of the TIAC’s 60th anniversary celebrations, the President’s Ball will be black tie. Local rental arrangements have been made and were sent out through the eZINE. 

We have made one change to the original schedule. The NIA Thermal Insulation Inspector Certification training program that was to be offered the week prior to the convention has been postponed. As a group, we thought that it would be more beneficial to move the course to a central location in the western part of the country, so Calgary here we come! We are hoping that by moving it to Calgary it is more cost effective for all. It will be held from October 24-27, 2022. I highly recommend this course for anyone who has junior people or new people in the industry who have never had the experience of installing the products. This will be a great way to get the knowledge needed and participants also get a certificate upon completion. 

Our friends in Quebec are continuing to move forward on the development of the QAC program for TIAC. They are delivering their first training course in September. Toutes nos felicitations, AIQ! 

We are pleased to announce that the North American Commercial and Industrial Insulation Standards (NACIIS) manual is being translated. This is very exciting for all of us at TIAC. We are hoping to have this completed by the end of 2022 and distributed to our French speaking partners as soon as possible afterwards. 

As I mentioned in my last report, TIAC’s Innovators were working with a team from TIAA to update the Denis Formula. Well, TIAA took the bull by the horns and its members have recreated the Denis Formula to be a Standard Method of Measurement. The goal behind this new method of measurement is to help contractors justify the reasoning behind our change notices. Thank you to TIAA for taking on this task, as it was long overdue. 

TIAC is on the hunt for the right person. Is it you? We are looking for a Technical Initiative and Strategic Relationship Coordinator. If you know someone who you might think has what it takes, please let us know. Turn to page 28 for a full job description.

As we roll through this summer and take time to relax and rejuvenate ourselves for the upcoming winter, remember to always enjoy what you have and who you get to enjoy that with. Life can change very quickly. I wish you all the very best during this summer season, and I hope to see you all in August in Ottawa.  ▪