Core Values and TIAC’s Foundational Focus for 2024 

By Rob Bertram, President, TIAC

en français

I hope this message finds you all in high spirits! As we kick off 2024, I’m excited and optimistic about what lies ahead for the TIAC family. It’s not just a new year on the calendar—it’s a chance for us to experience an enhanced sense of community and new beginnings and advance our industry. As we enter the new year, I want to delve deeper into one of our association’s core values and reveal TIAC’s foundational focus for 2024—the Pursuit of Excellence. In my previous article, “Illuminating EfficienSee: Mechanical Insulation’s Crucial Role in Achieving Net Zero,” we touched upon the mission, vision, purpose, and core values of TIAC. Today, I’d like to focus on TIAC’s Pursuit of Excellence and how it propels us to achieve our goals and contributes to the sustainable growth of our industry. 

As a core value, the Pursuit of Excellence is more than just a statement on our website or words on paper. It is a principle that guides us in every decision we make. It’s not merely about doing things well; it’s about doing them exceptionally, consistently, and with unwavering dedication. This has a more significant impact than one might realize. By dedicating ourselves to the relentless pursuit of excellence, we not only improve the perception of our industry, but also, we contribute to climate rehabilitation, decarbonization, and a more sustainable future without sacrificing industry. Our industry’s ability to contribute to a sustainable world without sacrificing industry sets our community apart from other decarbonization initiatives. The more we focus on excellence in all we do, the more influence our industry wields in the realm of sustainability. 

The Pursuit of Excellence in All We Do

In the field of thermal insulation, where quality and innovation are paramount, the Pursuit of Excellence emerges as a key factor in realizing our strategic intent. Whether it’s the installation of cutting-edge insulation materials or developing new industry standards, we believe that striving for excellence is not just an option; it’s our responsibility. We are committed to providing our members with the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to excel in their work. 

One of the critical aspects of pursuing excellence is embracing continuous learning and improvement. In a constantly evolving world, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Through webinars, conferences, and publications, TIAC is actively providing its members access to the latest industry trends, technological advancements, and best practices. We believe that informed professionals are better equipped to make sound decisions and deliver exceptional results. 

Excellence in thermal insulation extends beyond individual achievements; it encompasses industry-wide standards and quality assurance. TIAC is actively collaborating with provincial associations, industry partners, government agencies, and regulatory bodies to develop and maintain high standards for thermal insulation. By meeting or exceeding these standards, we protect the environment and contribute to the well-being of our communities. As an association, we aim to lead by example. Our pursuit of excellence extends to advocating for policies and initiatives that promote energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. By actively engaging with policymakers and industry stakeholders, we ensure that our core values align with the broader goals of achieving net-zero emissions and a greener future—without sacrificing industry or economy. 

In the mechanical insulation industry, the pursuit of excellence is not a destination but a continuous journey. It is a commitment to being the best we can be in every aspect of our work. As the president of the Thermal Insulation Association of Canada, I am proud of the dedication and passion the board and our members bring to their craft, driven by the pursuit of excellence. As we read the winter edition of the TIAC Times, let us remind ourselves that our core value of excellence is not just a motto but a way of life. Together, we will continue to elevate thermal insulation standards, contribute to a more sustainable future, and achieve our mission of establishing Canada as the global example of thermal efficiency and energy conservation. 

Thank you for being part of this remarkable journey. I look forward to the brighter and greener future we are building together! ▪